Demystifying AI

A Beginner’s Guide for Business Women

For many of us women in business, especially those who own and run our enterprises, Artificial Intelligence (AI) may seem like an intricate maze. But here's a little secret: It's simpler than we think! At its core, AI is a powerful ally waiting to boost our business's efficiency and reach. In this guide, I've poured my heart into breaking down AI's essence for women business owners like you and me. We'll walk through the fundamental concepts of AI, explore its applications in the business world, and dive into strategies that will help us integrate it into our ventures. Are you ready to decode the AI magic together? In the pages ahead, we'll journey from understanding AI's core to leveraging its strengths for our business's success. Let's make AI our friend and ally!

AI Isn’t Coming. It’s Already Here.

Decoding AI: A Simple Breakdown for Women in Business

Diving into the world of Artificial Intelligence might seem daunting. But believe me, once we break it down, it's as approachable as learning any other business skill. At its foundation, AI is about making machines smart. It's teaching them to think, learn, and act, much like humans, but with the precision and speed we can only dream of.

Machine Learning & Deep Learning: Understanding the Core of AI

Imagine this: you've just onboarded a fresh new recruit to your team. The first few weeks are about training—introducing them to the processes, guiding them through tasks, and offering feedback. Slowly, as they get exposed to more and more of these processes, they start predicting the next steps, almost instinctively. That's the fundamental essence of Machine Learning.

Machine Learning (ML)

At its heart, Machine Learning is about feeding a computer vast amounts of data and letting it 'learn' from it. Just as our new team member observes and learns, the computer algorithms sift through the data, recognizing patterns, and adjusting their behavior based on what they 'learn.'

Applications in Women-Owned Businesses 

For us, as women in business, ML can be a transformative tool, irrespective of our industry or niche

  • E-commerce: Consider a digital platform where Machine Learning algorithms analyze browsing behaviors, offering product suggestions tailored to each user, boosting sales, and improving the shopping experience.

  • Logistics & Supply Chain: For women business owners in the logistics field, ML can predict the most efficient routes, minimize delivery times, and forecast potential inventory needs based on past trends.

  • Finance & Consulting: If finance or consulting is your realm, ML can analyze market patterns, predict stock performance, or forecast industry trends, ensuring informed decision-making.

  • Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, ML can assist in patient diagnosis by analyzing historical patient data, predicting potential outbreaks, or even assisting in administrative tasks like appointment scheduling.

The beauty of Machine Learning lies in its versatility. It can be tailored to suit our unique business needs, making our operations sharper, more efficient, and highly attuned to our customers or clients.

Deep Learning (DL): The Power of Intricate Layers

Just as a business grows layer by layer – starting from an idea, then a plan, followed by execution and scaling – Deep Learning works in layers. Each layer of a Deep Learning model captures different aspects of the data it processes, allowing it to understand complex structures and make precise predictions.

Applications in Women-Owned Business

  • Creative & Media Agencies: Envision a bustling media agency harnessing DL for content categorization. Deep Learning models can sift through countless digital assets, automatically tagging and organizing them, ensuring swift retrieval and efficient project execution.

  • Manufacturing & Production: Women entrepreneurs in the manufacturing realm can benefit from DL's ability to detect anomalies in production lines. This not only ensures consistent product quality but also reduces wastage and operational costs.

  • E-Learning Platforms: For those pioneering in the education and e-learning sector, DL can personalize learning experiences, analyzing student data to tailor lessons or resources best suited for individual learning curves.

Deep Learning, in conjunction with Machine Learning, equips us as women business owners with sophisticated tools. These tools refine our operational capabilities, drive efficiencies, and, most importantly, enhance the value we deliver to our clientele.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) 

Remember the times we've chatted with Siri or Alexa? They seem to 'get' us, right? That's NLP, a subset of Artificial Intelligence, working behind the scenes. It's how machines understand and respond to our words, bridging the communication gap between humans and tech.

Why Should You Consider About NLP?

NLP’s are the way of the future for marketing.  Right now, most business owners are not optimizing their content for Natural Language Processes. That means when a consumer comes home to find their heat is out and says to Alexa, “My heat is out. Can you help.,” she doesn’t respond. In the future, with the right optimization, that will change.  Think of the Jetsons and how everything they needed could be done through its own Alexa equivalent.

Remember, every techy term we encounter in AI has a simple, relatable story behind it. As we move forward, I'll keep shedding light on these stories, ensuring Artificial Intelligence feels less like a stranger and more like a trusted friend. Ready for the next chapter?

The Game-Changing Applications of AI in Women-Owned Businesses

For women business owners, marrying the dynamic power of artificial intelligence with the unique touch of personal expertise can be transformative. The canvas is vast and ripe for AI's touch in women-owned businesses, from tailored shopping experiences to proactive client care. Let’s dive into a few of these game-changing areas where AI is making its mark:

Tailored Shopping with AI-Powered E-commerce Personalization

E-commerce has shifted from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more nuanced, individualized experience. Consider a woman-owned online boutique. With AI, every time a shopper visits, they're presented with choices that resonate with their style and preferences. It's like having a personal stylist who remembers every client's taste, enhancing the shopping journey and inevitably boosting sales. 

Many stores have been using this sort of AI for years.  Consider Amazon, for example.  The items you have bought or even looked at in the past influence what they show you every time you go onto the site.

Crafting Stories with Enhanced Content Creation

Content, they say, is king. But the kingdom is immense, and navigating it requires precision. AI is like an adept editor and a strategist combined for women entrepreneurs in the content realm. It fine-tunes articles for optimal reader engagement, predicts what content can become the next big thing, and ensures every piece hits its mark in the digital space.

As a digital marketing agency owner, my favorite way to use AI is to ask for content ideas.  As a matter of fact, consider this.  Did it seem odd that this article, an introduction to AI, should come third in the blog series? I am sure it did. I wrote the first two articles before asking ChatGPT to give me blog ideas. It turns out that AI thinks systematically, and the first article it suggested I write is this introduction.  It also gave me 20 more ideas for blogs that will be coming soon.

Always-There Customer Support with Chatbots

Waiting is often the most challenging part of our days. If we don’t like it, how do you think our customers feel about it?  AI-driven chatbots are taking the wait out of customer service for customers. For service-centric women-owned businesses, these chatbots are like tireless customer service reps, always ready and always polite. They handle queries, solve basic issues, and ensure every customer feels heard any time of the day or night.

One of my favorite examples of a company using a chatbot well is Starbucks. Thanks to the AI-powered chatbot in the Starbucks app,  customers can seamlessly order their favorite drink or snack. The chatbot effortlessly guides the way. It informs you when your order will be ready and even takes care of the bill breakdown. It's a perfect blend of convenience and innovation. 

Now, imagine if we brought that level of efficiency and personal touch to our own ventures. The potential is truly boundless.

Personalized Wellness with Healthcare Predictive Analysis

The healthcare industry thrives on accuracy and foresight. For women in this business, AI serves as an intuitive consultant. Imagine a health and wellness platform that doesn’t just give generic advice but tailors fitness routines or diet plans based on intricate health metrics. Every client feels understood, and every plan is a step closer to optimal well-being.

I recently trained for the Marine Corps Marathon using the Nike Run Club app. The NRC app is like having a personal trainer in your pocket. With AI-driven prowess, NTC crafts personalized workout plans that align seamlessly with your fitness aspirations, pace, and preferences. The more you engage with it, the more it gets you. With each mile you run, the app is tuning into your strengths, recognizing areas of improvement, and then recalibrating to ensure your next session is even more aligned with your goals. By harnessing the nuances of machine learning, NTC not only tracks but truly understands your fitness journey, offering advice, tweaks, and encouragement, all tailored uniquely for you.

If you are a woman in the health and wellness field, how can you harness AI to deliver a better customer experience?  

Efficiency Maximized in Operations & Supply Chain Management

Streamlining operations can be the backbone of success, especially in sectors like manufacturing or retail. With AI, women business owners have insights at their fingertips. It predicts sales trends, ensures the inventory is just right, and even finds the most efficient delivery routes. It’s like having a seasoned operations manager on your team, ensuring everything runs like a well-oiled machine.

If you are in the retail space,  take a deeper dive into how other businesses are using AI for their businesses in this article from Square.

Strategizing with Enhanced Marketing Insights

In the marketing world, understanding the audience's pulse is crucial. AI acts as a sophisticated market researcher. It dives deep into data, predicts which campaigns will resonate, and segments audiences for that perfect product fit. Every marketing move becomes more informed, and every campaign has a higher chance of hitting its mark.

Every step we take with AI feels like a stride into a future where our businesses are not just successful but also intuitive, agile, and deeply connected with our clientele. And as women in business, isn't that what we've always envisioned? 

Unlocking Potential: The AI Boost for Women Entrepreneurs

Empowering the Small Business Owner

The challenges are many for the tenacious small business owner, but the rewards are immense. From the initial hurdles of setting up shop to managing daily operations, it's a journey of constant learning. With AI in our toolbox, we can amplify our efforts, making more informed decisions and streamlining processes. By integrating AI tools, we're not just bringing in a tech upgrade; we're gaining a silent partner who's always on, always ready, and continuously optimizing.

Predictive Analysis for Strategic Planning

We all know that in the world of startups, every move counts. Imagine if you could predict the success of a new product or service before launching it. AI-powered predictive analysis can do just that. Analyzing historical data and market trends, it can provide invaluable insights into customer preferences and potential business growth trajectories.

Automating Routine Tasks

The small business owner often finds herself juggling numerous tasks simultaneously. Here's where AI steps in as a game-changer. We can free up time by automating routine tasks such as invoice processing, appointment scheduling, or customer service queries. This allows us to focus on what truly matters: strategizing for business growth, engaging with customers, and innovating in our respective fields.

Personalized Customer Engagements

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, personalization isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. AI tools can analyze user behavior, past purchases, and browsing patterns to deliver tailor-made product recommendations and marketing campaigns. This means that as women entrepreneurs, we can foster deeper connections with our customers, ensuring that they feel valued and understood.

The Long-Term Value

While the immediate benefits of AI are palpable, it's the long-term value that truly shines. As AI systems continue to learn and adapt from data, their recommendations become more precise and their predictions more accurate. For a startup, this means evolving with an intelligence that grows alongside the business, continuously refining strategies and processes.

As women entrepreneurs, embracing AI isn't just about hopping onto a tech trend. It's about harnessing a tool that can elevate our businesses, amplify our strengths, and ensure we're always a step ahead in our entrepreneurial journey.

Crafting Your AI Journey: Infusing Artificial Intelligence into Your Women-Owned Venture

Understanding the AI Landscape

For a small business owner, especially in the early stages of business growth, Artificial intelligence can appear daunting, filled with complex terminologies and seemingly insurmountable learning curves. But here's a comforting thought: the goal isn't to become an overnight AI expert. Instead, it's about understanding the specific AI tools and strategies that can complement and elevate your unique business model. 

Dedicate time to delve into AI solutions, sifting through those that align with your industry's demands. Engage with other women entrepreneurs who use AI as a pivotal tool and absorb their success stories. In the process, though, don’t forget to listen to their challenges and obstacles. In this exploration, you'll discover AI's potential for your small business and the practical paths to integrate it seamlessly.

Small Steps, Big Impact

AI Solutions: Incremental Steps with Big Returns

Start with Familiarity

Before diving deep, you must familiarize yourself with AI's potential. Attend webinars, read beginner's guides, or join local AI meetups. These small steps will boost your confidence and provide a more precise direction on how AI can serve your startup. But I am going to make this easy for you. I am going to share my favorite AI tools and tell you some of the ways they have improved my business.

Exploring Chatbots

Chatbots are a valuable asset, especially for startups aiming to maintain round-the-clock customer engagement. They can be integrated into websites, social media channels, or emails. Even if you start with preset responses for frequently asked questions, it's a leap towards 24/7 customer support. 

We have not found Chatbots to be effective for our marketing company.  However, when I started my agency, I decided to found a charity for suicide prevention at the same time.  Our big charity event, Burgers and Bands for Suicide Prevention is a full-day music concert with three stages and 27 bands.  As you can imagine, as the event gets closer, we get a lot of calls. Some examples:

  • How can my band play at your event?

  • The tickets say they are free, but a donation is appreciated.  How much should I donate?

  • What does the money go toward?

  • Is the event dog-friendly?

  • Is it kid-friendly?

  • Is there parking?

Using a chatbot saves us hours, maybe even days each year.  We have gotten very good at updating the chatbot regularly.  We add the questions we hear most often and ensure we don’t misstep by not accounting for the fact that some calls may be from someone who is suicidal, struggling with depression, or is reaching out because they lost someone they love.  As you can imagine, this is an essential part of our communications process.  We want to get it right every time. To see how a company failed to get it right, read about a sunglass company that recently missed a big opportunity because they didn’t take the time to consider the possibilities. It’s easy to make that mistake.  So be careful. 

Use AI To Stay On Task

One of my favorite tools is OtterAi.  This transcription software allows me to stay focused on my clients during a meeting while it transcribes what we are saying.  After the meeting, I simply ask it the right questions:

  • What are the follow-up items from this meeting?

  • What decisions were made?

  • Were any follow-up meetings scheduled?

  • What questions were asked? 

The answers to these questions help me create a detailed note for all parties involved in the meeting, assign tasks, and add the questions to my list of content ideas for our blog. This helps me stay organized and makes me look great to my clients.


Is there anything worse than sitting in front of a blank page with no idea what you are going to put on that paper? Maybe.  How about reading an article that feels like it's in another language, with dense, convoluted language?  Or what about that 50-page article that is tempting, but you just aren’t sure it is worth it?  

I love Jasper and ChatGPT for these tasks.  Use these tools to generate ideas for blog posts, questions you should ask during your next job screening or thoughts on your target audience.  Use these tools to simplify a wordy academic paper.  Find something you can relate to, in my case, running, and ask it to explain the article to you in terms of running, pizza, or puppy dogs.  Finally, don’t spend two days reading that white paper you aren’t sure is worth it. Ask ChatGPT to give you a summary, pulling out the bullet points. 

I recently calculated that I save at least 6 hours a week using ChatGPT and Jasper in this way. What could you do with an extra 6 hours a week?

Recommendation Engines: Enhancing Customer Experience through AI

If you manage an e-commerce platform or a content-centric site, implementing AI for product or content recommendations is a transformative move. Such AI engines meticulously study both current and potential customer behavior, tailoring suggestions to enhance their experience. By keenly observing preferences, AI ensures that every interaction holds value for your customers, recommending items or content poised to resonate deeply with them. Remember, every potential customer seeks a personalized journey, and AI can be the bridge, ensuring a seamless, tailored experience every time.

Analyze Customer Feedback

Use AI solutions to analyze customer reviews and feedback. Instead of manually sifting through comments, let AI highlight prevalent sentiments, showing you where your business shines and where improvements might be needed. This is a game changer for your business. There are four ways I like to use this:

  1. Create graphics or videos with your reviews to be shared on social media.

  2. Use the good comments to help your team see what a great job they are doing.

  3. Use the nasty comments to help you improve customer experience.

  4. Compare it to what you think your Unique Selling Proposition is, and change it if your customers are telling you something different. 

Embracing AI doesn’t mean a complete business makeover overnight. Begin with these smaller steps, each poised to provide substantial value to your startup, steering it towards sustained growth. Remember, every significant AI integration began with someone taking the first simple step.

Partnering with the Right AI Platforms for Your Women-Owned Business:

Navigating a Sea of Options

The sheer number of available AI tools and platforms can seem overwhelming for women entrepreneurs, especially those venturing into AI for the first time. Each claims to be the best solution, but as a small business owner, you must discern which aligns with your business goals and values. In the coming months, I will share some of my favorite tools and my experiences with them.  In the meantime, read on to learn more about choosing the artificial intelligence tools that are right for your small business.

User-Friendly Interface - A Must

When you're managing the many tasks of business growth, the last thing you want is a complicated tool that requires extensive training. Platforms with intuitive designs and user-friendly interfaces can be a boon. They make the transition smoother, ensuring that you and your team can make the most out of the AI capabilities without a steep learning curve.

Customer Support - Your Silent Partner

Especially in the initial phases, robust customer support is indispensable. Prompt and effective support can make all the difference, whether it's a simple query or a technical glitch. It's akin to having a silent business partner ready to assist when needed. Prioritize platforms with a reputation for stellar customer support; they understand the nuances and challenges women face in business and are equipped to help.

Scalability - Growing with Your Business

You might start small as a startup, but your vision is expansive. The AI platform you choose should resonate with this growth mindset. Opt for solutions that not only cater to your current needs but are also scalable. As your business evolves and as you carve out a larger space in your industry, your AI tools should be able to adapt, offering new features and functionalities that propel your business forward.

Affordability and Value Addition

Last but certainly not least, consider the cost and the value addition. While it's essential to be budget-conscious, especially in the early stages, focus on a platform's long-term value. Sometimes, investing a bit more initially can lead to exponential returns in the long run.

In conclusion, the journey of integrating AI into your women-owned venture is not just about picking a tool. It's about forging a partnership that understands and supports the unique challenges and aspirations of women entrepreneurs. With the right AI platform, you're not just adopting technology but embracing a catalyst that can significantly amplify your business growth.

Treading Carefully: The Pitfalls Small Business Owners Must Navigate When Integrating AI

Understanding the Double-Edged Sword

AI, while revolutionary, is like fire – it can warm your house, but if not managed correctly, it can also burn it down. As women business owners, it's crucial to recognize and mitigate the associated risks before wholeheartedly embracing AI.

Data Privacy – Guarding Your Most Valuable Asset

In today's digital era, data is like gold. However, with this invaluable resource comes a responsibility. AI tools and platforms constantly feed on data to learn and adapt. As a small business owner, you must ensure this data is handled carefully. Any breach or misuse can not only tarnish your brand's reputation but also lead to legal repercussions. Choose AI platforms that prioritize encryption, adhere to data protection regulations, and have a transparent data handling process.

Ethical Implications - Beyond the Code 

AI, at its core, is driven by algorithms and codes. But who designs these algorithms? Humans. And with human intervention comes the potential for bias. There are instances where AI has unintentionally perpetuated stereotypes or made decisions that tread on unethical grounds. Although many people are just catching up with the idea of AI being real, the topic of bias and AI is not new.  Harvard Business Review discussed the dangers as far back as 2018. As champions for inclusivity and fairness, women in business must be vigilant. Ensure that the AI tools you deploy are free from biases and regularly audited for ethical decision-making.

Dependence vs. Independence

It's easy to be enamored by AI's capabilities and lean heavily on it. However, over-reliance can be detrimental. Remember, AI should be an enhancer, not a replacement. It's crucial to strike a balance, ensuring that core business decisions still have the human touch, intuition, and empathy – elements that AI, no matter how advanced, cannot replicate.

Transparency with Customers

Your customers trust you, and this bond is sacred. If you're utilizing AI, especially in customer-facing functions, it's ethical to inform your customers. Whether it's chatbots handling inquiries or AI-driven product recommendations, a clear disclosure fosters trust and ensures your clientele knows they are interacting with a machine. In the name of transparency, I use AI to help me outline many of the blogs I write for She Knows AI

In conclusion, while AI holds transformative potential for startups and business growth, it's imperative to tread with caution. The journey of integrating AI into women-owned businesses should be one of empowerment, ensuring that the technology serves you, respects your values, and fortifies the trust you've built with your stakeholders.

AI's Limitations: Our Secret Sauce to Success

Amid all this AI excitement, we, as women in business, must recognize what Artificial Intelligence can't do. These very limitations become our unique strengths, our 'secret sauce' if you will, setting us apart in a competitive market.

Emotional Intelligence & Empathy 

No matter how advanced AI becomes, it cannot truly understand human emotions or display genuine empathy. As women business owners, our innate ability to connect, understand, and empathize is a powerful asset. We can build relationships, foster trust, and create environments where our clients and teams feel valued and understood.

Creative Innovation 

AI can analyze patterns and make predictions but can't genuinely innovate. We, on the other hand, can dream, envision, and bring to life unique ideas that resonate with our audiences. Our creative flair and passion drive innovations that are authentic and groundbreaking.

Ethical Judgments 

Machines operate based on data and algorithms. They lack the moral compass we possess. Our values, experiences, and principles guide us in situations that require ethical decision-making. We can weigh the pros and cons, understand the nuances, and make decisions that benefit our businesses and communities holistically.

Personal Touch 

AI can automate but can't replicate the personal touch we bring to our businesses. The hand-written thank you notes, the one-on-one consultations, the genuine joy we express when our clients succeed – these moments define us and our women-owned enterprises.

Artificial Intelligence is a formidable ally, but it's not the answer to all things. The human touch we provide, paired with the efficiency of AI, makes for a potent combination. It's the balance between leveraging AI's strengths and acknowledging its limitations that will craft our success story. And as women business owners, we've always thrived in harmony, haven't we?

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The world of AI is constantly evolving, and staying updated is imperative. Attend webinars, workshops, seminars, and conferences like the Marketing AI Conference focusing on AI in business. Engage in conversations with fellow women entrepreneurs about their AI experiences. As you gather more knowledge, regularly revisit your AI strategies and make necessary tweaks.

Measuring and Celebrating Success

Lastly, remember to set measurable goals for your AI integration. Whether it's increasing customer engagement, reducing operational costs, or boosting sales, have clear metrics in place. And as you hit those milestones, take a moment to celebrate. Every AI-driven achievement is a testament to your vision and adaptability as a woman entrepreneur.

To wrap up, integrating AI into your women-owned venture is less about the technology itself and more about its strategic and thoughtful application. As with all aspects of business, it's a journey filled with discovery, learning, and endless potential. As you embark on this AI journey, remember you're not alone. Lean into the collective wisdom of fellow women entrepreneurs and forge ahead with confidence.

Bring Expertise to Your Next Event!

Elevate your next lunch and learn, event, or conference by inviting an industry expert to share insights and wisdom about AI's game-changing potential for women-owned businesses. Don't miss out on this opportunity to inspire and enlighten your attendees. Reach out now to book me, Ann Brennan, as a speaker and watch the magic unfold. Together, let's champion the fusion of women in business and the boundless world of artificial intelligence! Book Now


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