Harnessing the Power of AI

A Guide for Woman-Owned Businesses

Business is changing fast, and the line between human expertise and machine intelligence is becoming increasingly blurred. Artificial intelligence isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a revolution. For women at the helm of businesses, big or small, the seamless integration of AI can mean not just staying afloat but soaring to new heights. Whether you're an established entrepreneur or just setting sail, understanding and implementing AI into your business can be your secret weapon. 

As the owner of ASMM Digital, I started using AI in 2018. Since then, I have studied the effects it can have on not just my digital marketing agency but other businesses as well. And I have to admit, I am obsessed.  I am obsessed with the possibilities, and I am obsessed with sharing what I know with other women in business.

Below, I dive into eight ways you can embrace AI to streamline operations, boost customer engagement, and save invaluable time.

Join the AI Revolution

Automated Customer Support with Chatbots: A Businesswoman's Secret Weapon

For women entrepreneurs, balancing the demands of a business alongside personal responsibilities can feel like an unending juggling act. But what if you could have a reliable sidekick, working round the clock, attending to your customers, and ensuring they feel seen and heard, all while you focus on scaling greater heights?

Understanding the Magic of Chatbots

At their core, chatbots are AI-powered virtual assistants designed to interact with users, much like how a human customer representative would. They're not just cold, unfeeling algorithms but are meticulously crafted digital entities capable of simulating human-like conversations. Imagine your website visitor having a question at 2 a.m. While it’s impractical for you or your team to be available, your chatbot is there, ready to help.

Tailoring Chatbots to Reflect Your Brand's Voice

Every business, big or small, has its unique voice and ethos, which can be instilled into your chatbot. By programming it with your business's specific FAQs, cultural nuances, and even a touch of humor or personality, you can ensure your customers experience a seamless continuity in brand interaction. They won't feel like they are talking to a machine but rather an extension of your brand. That being said, letting your customers know they are talking to a chatbot is essential.  As Mom always said, “Honesty is the best policy.”

How Chatbots Can Revolutionize Your Customer Experience

  1. 24/7 Availability: As mentioned above, humans need rest and rejuvenation. Chatbots do not. They're there round the clock, ensuring your customers across different time zones are always catered to.

  2. Instant Responses: In our age of immediacy, waiting feels cumbersome. Seriously, consider your website. A few extra seconds of load time can cause your potential customers to leave your site. Immediacy is one of the most impressive things about chatbots. They provide immediate answers, keeping your customers satisfied and reducing the chances of them hopping over to a competitor.

  3. Data Gathering: Beyond answering questions, chatbots can gather essential data from interactions, helping you better understand your customer's needs and refine your offerings. It’s critical to pay attention to the questions your customers ask your chatbot. These not only help you reprogram the chatbot to answer questions you missed the first time, but they are also prompts for content on your website and social media. 

Setting Up Your Chatbot – A Simple Guide

You don’t need a tech team or deep pockets to integrate chatbots. Platforms like Intercom or Drift have simplified the chatbot space. Here's a simple route:

  1. Integration: These platforms can be effortlessly integrated into your website.

  2. Training Your Bot: Feed your chatbot data from previous customer interactions. Much like training a new employee, the more information and feedback you give your bot, the better it becomes at its job.

  3. Iterative Learning: The true marvel of AI lies in its ability to learn. With every interaction, your chatbot becomes more proficient, understanding the nuances of customer queries and providing even more accurate responses.

The Essential Human Touch in an AI World - A Cautionary Tale

Bicycle accident

While I often champion the leaps and bounds AI has made in mirroring human behavior, there are times that serve as stark reminders of the unparalleled depth of genuine human touch.

A dear friend recently confided an incident that truly underscored this point. She had a misstep down her front steps and ended up taking a nasty fall, her head making contact with a decorative boulder on her pathway. Miraculously, she sustained only minor injuries, and her optometrist was convinced that her high-quality eyeglasses spared her eyes from potential harm. Feeling a wave of gratitude, she penned a heartfelt note to the eyewear company, lauding their product's durability.

In a playful twist at the end of her message, she half-jokingly asked if they might entertain the thought of replacing her glasses, now bearing a noticeable scratch from her unexpected rendezvous with the boulder. An AI chatbot, sifting through her words for key terms rather than capturing the essence of her tale, promptly replied, “We don’t replace lenses that have been scratched.” It's a stark reminder that, for all of AI's advancements, there's still nothing that quite matches the nuance and empathy of human understanding.

Consider how a human at the company could have used this opportunity:

  • They could have commiserated with their customer, showing sympathy for what she went through and relief that her eyesight was saved.

  • They could have asked whether she would mind if they shared the story with their social media followers to talk about the benefits of their sunglasses.

  • They could have sent her a new set of lenses and ended up with user-generated content praising them for their customer service.

Instead, they ended up with a dissatisfied customer who has now shared her experience on Facebook. Keep this story in mind when creating the prompts for your chatbot. 

Chatbots can be transformative for the modern businesswoman looking to maximize efficiency without compromising customer experience. Embrace this digital ally and watch your business flourish, one automated conversation at a time.

Streamlining Bookkeeping: The AI Advantage in Accounting

Gone are the days of tedious manual entry for each invoice. AI-powered accounting tools such as AccountIQ and Docyt can easily recognize, process, and categorize invoices. This means consistent and accurate bookkeeping, freeing up time for women business owners to focus on strategic decisions and growth opportunities.

Detecting Financial Anomalies: The AI Vigilance

Financial oversight is critical, and any discrepancies can be costly. AI's meticulous eye scans thousands of transactions, flagging anything unusual. By doing so, it reduces the risks of unnoticed mistakes or even fraudulent activities, ensuring that you have a clear and accurate picture of your financial health.

Future-Proofing with Predictive Analysis

While understanding the current financial status is crucial, predicting the future is a game-changer. AI delves into the depths of your business's financial trends, market conditions, and broader economic indicators. This forecasting capability gives women business owners a clear roadmap, allowing for proactive measures, informed investments, and strategic planning.

Tackling Scheduling Challenges: The AI Assistant's Response

The Relentless Tug-of-War of Availability

Every businesswoman knows the frustration: coordinating schedules can feel like solving a constantly changing puzzle. As responsibilities grow, finding a time that aligns with stakeholders, colleagues, or clients becomes increasingly tricky. Missing an ideal slot can lead to delayed decisions, prolonged projects, or missed opportunities.

Time Zones, Preferences, and External Factors

When your business spreads beyond local boundaries, juggling multiple time zones becomes challenging. Add to that individual preferences—like one's inclination for morning meetings over afternoon ones—and external factors such as traffic or events, and you have a scheduling nightmare. These intricacies, though small, can often lead to rescheduling, late arrivals, or even missed appointments.

AI to the Rescue: Proactive and Intuitive Scheduling

Enter AI-driven scheduling assistants like Clara. These tools don’t just react; they anticipate. By analyzing past data and current preferences, they proactively propose optimal timings. And when coordinating with others? Simply cc them in an email and watch the magic unfold. No more back-and-forth, no more double bookings—just efficient and strategic time management tailored to address the common pain points of scheduling.

Marketing Challenges: Navigating the Complex Landscape

Marketing analytics

As the owner of a marketing agency, this is where AI has been most helpful to me.  We started using Lately.Ai early in 2018. I added Jasper in 2019 and have not stopped adding useful tools since then. 

It is important to remember that AI is not about replacing the human touch but augmenting it. AI-generated recommendations streamline decision-making processes, offering optimal solutions that yield better results and considerably reduce manual labor and guesswork. In my most recent article on whether to use AI at all, I discussed how AI can free up your staff for tasks that need a human touch, like reaching out to customers directly or creating new ways of advancing your business. 

Elevate Your Marketing Game with Artificial Intelligence

Personas: Not Just Demographics, But Dynamic Personalities

In the past, crafting personas was a mix of market research and educated guesswork. However, AI analyzes customer behaviors, interactions, and feedback to create detailed and evolving personas. These AI-crafted personas are not static; they adapt as the audience's behaviors change, ensuring marketers have an up-to-date understanding of their target audience. 

This is a considerable improvement for small business owners. In the past, when business owners have come to us, 99% of the time, they are working on outdated assumptions. For example, many male business owners still think of women as stay-at-home moms, leaving them marketing to their audience with the wrong pain points and desires.

Proactive Strategy Design

Waiting for trends to emerge before adapting is a strategy of the past. AI tools can sketch out marketing strategies by predicting emerging market trends, analyzing competitor moves, and suggesting optimal ad spends. This ensures businesses are always one step ahead, leading the wave rather than just riding it. This takes a more advanced AI approach and should be done in conjunction with a marketing team.

Understanding Customer Pain Points

By analyzing customer feedback, reviews, and interactions across multiple platforms, AI tools can pinpoint specific pain points that might have been overlooked in manual analyses. Addressing these pain points in marketing strategies ensures higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Content Generation: From Ideas to Execution

Staring at a blank page, wondering what to post on social media or what topic to address in a blog? AI tools offer content suggestions based on market needs, audience interests, and trending topics. Whether it's social media posts, blogs, or email marketing campaigns, AI provides insights and ideas, ensuring content remains relevant and engaging. But remember this can only be done when you give the AI with the best data and generate the most effective prompt.

The AI-Driven Marketing Arsenal

Modern AI tools like Albert and Crayon are more than just analytical platforms. They're complete marketing allies, offering sentiment analysis, competitor insights, content suggestions, and more. By integrating these tools, marketers can confidently navigate the complex digital landscape, ensuring every strategy is data-driven, timely, and resonates with the target audience.

Traditional Analytics vs. Dynamic Market Needs

The Shortcomings of Traditional Analytics

Historically, marketing analytics was like navigating with a compass—directional but lacking precision. It offered a surface-level view and often left marketers without insights into intricate consumer behaviors or the means to anticipate forthcoming trends.

AI: The Modern Marketer's GPS

AI offered a complete paradigm shift in marketing analytics. By leveraging large datasets, AI aids businesses in sculpting pinpointed customer profiles, ensuring they aren’t just shooting arrows in the dark but targeting with laser-focused precision.

Beyond Data Collection: Predicting and Personalizing

It's one thing to understand a customer but a whole other thing to anticipate their needs. AI doesn't stop at profiling; it moves into predicting market fluctuations, capturing nuances in consumer behavior, and tailoring messaging to make a more direct connection with your customers. This proactive approach means businesses can engage customers precisely when they're most receptive.

Optimizing Inventory Management: The AI Revolution


Precise Demand Forecasting

One of the most challenging aspects of inventory management is predicting demand. With AI's capabilities, this becomes less of a guessing game and more of a science. AI offers a dynamic prediction of sales patterns by analyzing historical sales data, seasonality trends, broader market shifts, and even local events. For women business owners, this precision means no more overstocking on items that don't sell or running out of hot-selling products.

Cutting Costs with Smart Inventory 

Inventory costs are a significant expenditure for many businesses. You can significantly reduce storage, wastage, and even personnel costs by harnessing AI to ensure you stock exactly what's needed. This optimized inventory approach ensures that resources are utilized efficiently, boosting profitability.

Leveraging AI-driven Inventory Tools 

Embracing AI doesn’t require a tech degree. Tools like Cin7, ranked number one in inventory software by Forbes Magazine, are designed to seamlessly integrate with your business operations. By syncing them with your sales data, these platforms can provide forecasts tailored precisely to your business model and customer behavior, empowering women business owners with actionable insights for strategic decision-making.

for hire sign

AI in Recruitment for Businesswomen: Maximizing Efficiency and Navigating the Pitfalls

As a woman leading her enterprise, quickly making informed, effective decisions is more crucial than ever. This is especially true in recruitment, where the right hire can propel a business forward, and a misstep can cost both time and resources. AI-enhanced recruitment processes promise efficiency, but they come with their own set of challenges.

How AI Streamlines Recruitment

AI streamlines many aspects of the hiring process, freeing you from sifting through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes. By setting specific criteria, AI can quickly rank applicants based on their suitability for a role, pulling out keywords and experiences and even analyzing their digital footprints. 

Moreover, advanced tools are venturing into video interviews. For instance, platforms like HireVue don't just record video interviews; they analyze them. These tools can pick up on non-verbal cues, from facial expressions to voice modulations, potentially offering insights beyond what's verbally communicated.

For the enterprising businesswoman, this means spending less time on the initial screening and more time focusing on top-tier candidates. It's an efficiency dream, cutting down on hours of manual vetting and ensuring that the recruitment process is swift.

The Dangers of Bias in AI Recruitment

But, like all tools, AI recruitment platforms are not infallible. One major concern is the perpetuation and even amplification of bias. AI learns from historical data. AI can inherit and perpetuate these biases if past hiring decisions or societal norms are biased. This can result in unfair screening of candidates from minority backgrounds or those who don't fit a specific 'mold' the AI has been trained on.

Pymetrics, for example, uses game-based evaluations to assess candidates. While these games are designed to be neutral, there's always a risk that certain groups who may not be familiar with such interfaces or who approach problem-solving differently might be at a disadvantage. This is why the company has been so forward-thinking regarding bias.

While analyzing non-verbal cues sounds revolutionary, it’s fraught with risks. Cultural differences can heavily influence body language and expressions. What's considered confident or trustworthy in one culture might be deemed arrogant or deceptive in another. If AI isn’t trained with a diverse data set, it can inadvertently favor one group over another.

Navigating AI in Recruitment as a Businesswoman

For the businesswoman keen on maximizing her business's potential, the key lies in using AI as a tool, not a crutch. It's essential to:

  1. Understand the Data Source: Knowing where the AI is drawing its learning from can shed light on potential biases.

  2. Maintain a Human Touch: AI can narrow down your candidate pool, but final decisions should always involve human judgment.

  3. Seek Diverse Training Sets: Ensure your AI tool is trained on diverse datasets to minimize cultural or societal biases.

  4. Stay Updated: The world of AI is evolving. Regularly updating yourself on best practices can help you utilize these tools effectively and ethically.

While AI in recruitment offers a promising avenue for efficiency and precision, it's imperative to approach it with a discerning eye. As with all business tools, it's not about complete reliance but informed utilization. The balance between technology and human judgment will ensure your business grows and thrives with integrity.

Personalized Shopping Experiences for Customers: Maximizing Engagement and Loyalty

In an era where consumers are inundated with options, the critical differentiator for businesses is often the user experience. Personalization stands at the forefront of this shift. By offering a shopping experience tailored to each customer, you not only improve their immediate purchasing experience but also foster long-term loyalty. This is particularly invaluable for women business owners seeking to cultivate a community around their brand.

Understanding the AI Magic Behind Personalization

At its core, AI-driven personalization revolves around data. When customers interact with your platform, they leave a digital footprint - from the items they view to the content they engage with and even the time they spend on certain pages. AI tools analyze these data points, identifying patterns and preferences specific to each user. Over time, and with more data, these algorithms become even more precise, predicting what a user might want to see next or suggesting products they're likely to purchase.

The Dual Benefit for Business Owners

1. Increased Sales

When recommendations are spot-on, customers are more likely to make a purchase. Instead of sifting through countless products, they're presented with selections that resonate with their preferences and needs, leading to quicker purchasing decisions. For businesswomen, this means a more efficient sales process and a higher likelihood of upselling or cross-selling products.

2. Brand Loyalty

Beyond immediate sales, personalization enhances the overall user experience. Customers feel seen and understood, fostering a deeper emotional connection with the brand. For women business owners, this can be a cornerstone in building a loyal community. When customers feel a personal connection, they're more likely to return, refer friends, and engage with the brand on other platforms.

Implementing Personalization in Your Business

Many e-commerce platforms already recognize the value of personalization and offer integrations to make it more accessible. Shopify and Adobe Commerce, for instance, have marketplaces filled with AI-driven tools dedicated to enhancing the user experience. A standout in this domain is Klevu, which goes beyond basic product recommendations. It offers advanced search functionalities, understanding user intent and showcasing products that align with both their expressed desires and implicit behaviors.

Understanding and harnessing the power of AI-driven personalization can be transformative for the modern woman business owner. It's not just about selling more products but about building lasting relationships with customers, creating brand advocates, and establishing a community that resonates with the core values of your business. In the competitive world of e-commerce, these deep connections will set your brand apart.

Enhanced Cybersecurity with AI Monitoring

In the digital era where businesses operate globally and virtually, cybersecurity isn't a luxury—it's a necessity. Protecting that investment becomes paramount, especially for women entrepreneurs who've poured their passion, dedication, and hard work into their ventures.

The Intricacies of AI in Cybersecurity

What makes AI indispensable for cybersecurity is its dynamic nature. Traditional security measures work on predefined rules and known threat databases. In contrast, AI-driven security continually evolves. By continuously analyzing vast amounts of data from global cyber incidents, AI tools identify new threats, even those previously unseen. This proactive approach ensures that your business's digital assets remain shielded from emerging cyber risks.

For a woman business owner, this implies peace of mind. While you focus on scaling, strategizing, and connecting, AI vigilantly guards your business's digital frontier. It's akin to having a dedicated security expert who never sleeps, continuously learns, and perpetually adapts.

Darktrace: The Sentinel for Your Digital Domain

Darktrace stands out in the realm of AI-driven cybersecurity. Their unique approach, termed the 'Enterprise Immune System,' is inspired by the human body's natural defense mechanism. Just as our immune system identifies and neutralizes foreign entities, Darktrace learns a network's typical 'pattern of life.' Any deviation from this pattern, be it subtle or glaring, raises an alert. This could range from an employee accessing files they shouldn't to more malicious threats like ransomware attacks.

For the modern businesswoman, Darktrace isn't just a tool—it's a partner. It ensures that your client data remains confidential, your intellectual property is safeguarded, and your digital operations continue unhindered. In a world where data breaches can ruin reputations and bottom lines, AI-enhanced cybersecurity is your stalwart protector, championing your vision and business integrity.

Harness the Future

The entrepreneurship journey, especially for women, is filled with challenges and triumphs. By embracing AI, you equip your business with powerful tools and free up invaluable time to focus on innovation, leadership, and personal growth. Let the world of AI open doors to efficiency and novel opportunities for your venture. Remember, the future isn't just about working hard; it's about working smart. And with AI on your side, you're poised to lead the future.

Does the potential of AI for businesses inspire you? Do you want your organization, association, or conference attendees to understand the transformative power of technology firsthand? Ann Brennan, the driving force behind She Knows AI, is available to enlighten, engage, and empower your audience. Her insightful talks are a fusion of experience, expertise, and enthusiasm. Book Ann Brennan now and let her ignite a passion for AI in your community.


Demystifying AI


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